
Welcome to the Alexander Group’s 2024 Sales Compensation Hot Topics Survey. This survey reports on current contemporary sales compensation issues. Participants will receive an aggregated findings report.


The survey should take about 10 to 20 minutes to complete. There are up to 7 main topics of the survey depending on your experience:

  1. Sales Results and Compensation Costs
  2. Quota Setting and Attainment
  3. Merger & Acquisition (M&A) Sales Compensation Integration
  4. Migrating from Commission to Quota-Based Mechanic
  5. Multiple Region/Business Unit Sales Compensation Plan Design
  6. Artificial Intelligence Use in Sales Compensation
  7. Recurring Revenue Topics
Note: you can skip topics that are not relevant to you or your company.

This is a confidential survey. All findings will be aggregated. We will not use your survey responses for solicitation purposes. We will add you to our email list for future survey invitations, which you can opt-out of at any time.